“ All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we have become.”

— Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha

A Welcome Message from Carol:

There are times in our lives that it can be so obvious that a healthy step forward will move us out of “stuckness” into a new way of being. Yet, we humans often sink our heels in and resist change with a passion. Imagine rerouting that passion toward a healthy, empowering, expansive way of living.  Imagine creating a life that works for you and the people around you.

The cycles of life keep turning toward changes and transitions as part of the natural flow. Since the Covid era began, think about all that has disappeared and what has emerged in your own life and the world. Due to this new world, many of us are thinking about a new job, a different career, beginning a new relationship, ending a relationship, starting a business and many other “next chapter” changes.  

With these transitions, often comes a push-back in our minds. We bump up against our own insecurities, self doubts and a host of other roadblocks that can make for a bumpy ride. As you are thinking about making changes or examining the status of your life at the moment, ask yourself these questions:

Am I needing to make a change and… not able to follow through?

Am I having difficulty saying no?

Am I having difficulty saying yes?

Am I focused on pleasing others instead of taking care of myself?

Am I experiencing daily stress that is affecting my well being?

Am I allowing the negative voices in my head to run the show?

Am I not feeling self expressed?

Am I doubting myself regularly?

Am I feeling overwhelmed with decision-making?

If you have answered yes to all, some or even one of these questions, consider what life could be like without the constraints that our mind imposes upon us on a regular basis.

This human mind is a tricky character. It is filled with billions of neurons that create neural pathways which inform us about every detail of life and create our way of being in the world. These “grooved  pathways” are loaded with a lifetime of stories, some of which are not serving us anymore. 

Because we are the authors of our lives, we can create a new narrative about who we are, what we think and what we do. This takes work and practice. 

In my coaching sessions, I teach you skills and strategies that pattern-interrupt the disempowering inner dialog that diminishes and constricts our way of being in the world. We investigate together what stories are lodged in your brain and body that you want to rewrite. With homework and practice, new neural pathways are created to establish a more positive, inspired life.

Meet Carol:

Life coaching has played an integral part of both my decades-long career as a teacher and massage therapist.  

I have spent over 10 years teaching in-depth personal and professional development courses with a focus on communication skills, emotional intelligence, building self esteem, setting boundaries, ethics, breathwork, stress management, meditation and self care.  

My experience as a bodyworker over several decades gives me a deep understanding of the body-mind connection: what happens in the body affects the mind and vice versa. In addition to our neural pathways, we also have cellular memory; our life experiences also live in our cells. For years I have worked with clients’ capacity for healing through touch and watched the simultaneous letting-go of the wounds and woes of the mind.

Formal Education:

  • BS in Education at Southern Ct. University

  • Master’s classes in Counseling at Central Ct. State College

  • Massage Therapy Program Ct. Center for Massage Therapy

  • Training in Emotional Freedom Technique

  • Workshops in Rubenfeld Body-Mind Connection

  • Workshops with Gabrielle Roth: The 5 Rhythms

  • Peak Potentials Training and extensive seminar courses

  • Extensive Meditation Trainings

  • Landmark Graduate and extensive seminar courses

The art of living both wonderful and challenging times has given me a tool bag of gifts to offer my fellow travelers along this never ending journey of self-exploration. I am always grateful, moved and inspired to have the honor to take this deep dive with clients who trust me to walk the path of discovery with them. I’m excited to connect with you.

An Invitation to Work with Me

To create an effective change in your thoughts and behaviors that improve the quality of your life, it’s recommended that this work be done consistently, ideally weekly, for a period of 90 days. 

My rates are based by individual session or as a monthly package:

Individual Session 

In-person or by Zoom

75 minutes

$135 per session

Monthly package 

4 sessions, one per week 

75 minutes each    

$500 ($40 savings)


“During the first year of Covid I was in a dark place after two people close to me died. I reached out to Carol for help. From her massage practice, I knew Carol to be an intuitive and caring person. She proved to be a kind and compassionate coach.

We talked, she mostly listening and observing, and she guided me towards some tools that would be helpful: a gratitude journal and a book on grief. She also gave me this advice: let the sad feelings come.”

— P.M.B.

“Carol has helped me through a number of issues with a mindful, gentle yet firm approach. I highly recommend her experience and guidance.”

— Matt B.

“Carol’s wisdom and coaching has guided me through several tough transitions in my life: a divorce, custody battle, and break-up. Her calm and compassionate guidance always brings you assuredly back to your own light and clarity, even when you feel like you’re going through the darkest time.”

— Leah G.

“Carol’s help as a life coach has been invaluable to me. Her straight-forward yet kind approach guided me to concrete solutions for dealing with anxiety. Her empathetic and insightful observations helped me along the way. It was great working with her.”

— Tina G.